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Alessio Franconi


On the history traces: The White War and the flower’s path.

There are stories… There are stories that is necessary to live in order to understand. Stories that can be scarcely glimpsed at, closed as they are within few lines of the schoolbooks… yet, that cold written words that capture our attention only for few seconds, narrate adventures that nowadays are quite impossible even to imagine. […]


On the traces of history: Pasubio Mountain.

In Italy we have plenty of mountain’s First World War songs. This is because the mountain, with its harshness on one side and war with its cruelty on the other side, inspired the mountain’s soldiers that fought for years in those inhospitable places. So nowadays quite every mountain with a history of terrible fighting has […]


Between the mountains an unexpected hermitage.

There are unexpected places and people that you come across along your path. A chance glance, a bit of curiosity, a promise and here I am, I write a post about it! During the story, I will not mention any kind of geographical reference that could allow the identification of the place I am talking […]


Travel Log: Ports, stations, airports and the end of the trip.

Harbors, stations and airports are a travelling humanity’s melting pot with its sentiments. There you can find who is happy, who is bored, who is thinking at something or someone and there is always someone that is crying. Crying a distance that is going to be hard, that, even if relieved by new technologies, it […]


Travel Log: Costa Rica, kingdom of nature.

Costa Rica arrived on the horizon of my trips as a pure and unexpected coincidence. We know that, sometime, opportunities has to be taken immediately without thinking too much about it. It doesn’t matter that much if your expectations will be respected or not. The important think is to prepare the bag and take the […]


Travel Log: Pearl Lagoon, a place where time isn’t running!

Laguna de Perlas or Pearl Lagoon is a name that recalls to your mind tropical, far away and fascinating places. The panga (a kind of launch), where I am, is headed for this lagoon, while Blufields disappears behind the lagoon’s bights and the wind flows on the crammed passengers’ faces. Once again there are no […]


Travel Log: Bluefields, Monte Cristo Café and the Never Land.

Bluefields should have been a town of passage but it hasn’t been so easy to get out of it. The final destination, that I named as “the never land”, should have been Corn Island. Passing at Bluefields during national holidays will make impossible to keep your timetable and also to get proper information. Two entire […]


Travel Log: Bluefields, land of buccaneers.

Landing in this harbor city, forgotten from the rest of the world, will make you dive immediately in a dimension where time is ruled by the sun cycle. You’ll face an ancient town, placed on the Escondido River mouth, with an old harbor that, for around two centuries, served as refugee for pirates and was, […]


Travel log: Nicaragua, destination Bluefields!

Travel 1st part: From San José to Managua. What really made me to be at dawn on the bus that was leaving from San José in Costa Rica bound to Managua, Nicaragua, as first step of a long trip, is a long story that will be kept in the boundary of my memories. Certaintely, thanks […]


An unexpected trip.

The best trips are the unexpected ones that comes from a strange combination of coincidences that tell your mind “it is now or never”. The country you know only by name, the one that no one ever talked to you about at the high school, whose borders are unknown to you, which suddenly become a […]