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Meeting with the President of Estonia

My discovery of Estonia

It has been years since I first discovered Estonia. A Country I started exploring thanks to Estonian Erasmus friends. I would have never thought that a friendship could have led so far.

Estonia is an amazing Country with its reserved, sportive and cultured people and its astonishing nature. A place that has centuries of history, a place already mentioned by the ancient romans.


The book

My Estonian friends, knowing me as author of books and reportages, asked me why I had not written anything about their Country.

I accepted the challenge and now in the Italian bookstores there is the first book entirely dedicated to Estonia.


Meeting with the President of the Republic of Estonia

I like to say that my book, is not only a book, it is more, it is a “cultural bridge” between two Countries at the two different opposites of Europe. There is much to do to promote the Estonian culture in Italy and I’m proud to be part of it.

It was a true honour to give a copy of the book “Estonia” to the President of the Republic of Estonia H.E. Mrs Kersti Kaljulaid. The meeting was in Turin after the opening of the Konrad Mägi painter at the Palazzo Reale. An initiative organised to promote one of the most popular painters of the last century.

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