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On holiday, while having adventures, don’t forget to think about your safety!

Summer is already here with its heat. Most of you are probably ready to go on holiday. Some of you will have some adventure in that place that is by this time far away to most of the people: the nature. Yet nature is still here and has never stopped to do its main job: selection. As a person really into outdoor activities, as a former soldier, and having achieved many licences from parachuting to diving, I want to give just some preliminary advice and suggestion. Too many times I have met along my way people that were not at all prepared nor properly equipped for the path they were going. Without the necessity to go into the Nicaraguan’s jungle, nature can be just around the corner of our house or at five minutes’ walk from our holiday place. However, not for this reason nature shall be nicer. The incompetent wayfarer’s arrogance can be costly. More than once I have crossed rescue teams engaged in salvage operations or it happened that I had to call them to rescue someone in difficulty that I met along my way. The main photo of this post is about one of those times. Only the readiness and preparation of the other guide of the group allowed a good communication with standard hand gestures between the helicopter and our group.

Here a non-exhaustive list of suggestions to prepare your excursion in a safer way:

– Get informed about the length of the path;

– Get informed about the difficulties you are going to face (length, exposed parts, differences in height, lack of fresh water):

– Get informed if mobile phone is working properly on that path;

– Evaluate properly when to start and when to arrive;

– Tell your friends/relatives where you are going and how long it will take to go through;

– Evaluate the sun exposure;

– Evaluate how much food and water to bring with you;

– Choose carefully how to dress in order to be protected from sun, cold, rain etc;

– Choose carefully your shoes;

– Pay attention on the territory you have around you in order to be able to tell the rescue team where you are in case of emergency and under mental and physical stress;

– Evaluate properly your forces and never over estimate your capabilities;

In short, summer is an amazing period, nature also but this one cannot be underestimated. An unexpected snowstorm at 3000 meters can kill you. The same could happen if you slip on a wet rock with your smooth sole falling down from a cliff between two popular tourist villages on the shore. You don’t need too much effort in getting a sun stroke. Intelligence is that tool that the person that is facing nature can never forget to put in his backpack. One thing is the risk correctly calculated and estimated by the expert. Another thing is the idiot risk that faces the unprepared tourist.

A minimum of attention will permit you to do in complete safety many paths and to properly enjoy your adventures.

This post does not substitute a complete didactic experience, it is not exhaustive nor it has to be taken as a manual. The present post is just a suggestion to be cautious and smart.

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