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One hundred years ago at Nova Vas.

Today is not a day like another. Time inexorably goes by, memory grow dim and memories fades away but not today! Today the clock points one hundred years ago. Time passed from that damned 17th September 1916. That date carved into my grandmother’s memory, 103 years old. The age brought away the clearness of her […]


Facing the Dolomites.

September is here, the air is clear. The Dolomites stand there close to the sky showing the charm of nature. We live always running, always being in hurry amongst a thousand of meetings and appointments and we lose the contact with nature. That amazing nature that brings meditation and questions without answers. Far away from […]


The volunteers value.

Summer brought me again to the Alps, this time at Pal Piccolo. A mountain cut, up to the top, by the border between Italy and Austria. Once reached the peak we had in front of us the usual horrific and crystallized panorama. Crossing that incredible tangle of trenches, we arrived to what was the first […]


Moon reflections.

How many poets, painters, photographers and lovers inspired the moon? Through the centuries and millenniums she had been a silent companion to men clearing up their long nights. In a midsummer night I was on a small harbour dock with the moon just in front of me. I did not resist her glamour, once more, […]


Goodbye my darling, goodbye!

Custoza, a name that remained impressed into my mind since a friend of mine talked about it. Many times I passed nearby on the highway but this time I decided to stop, to go along those narrow country roads that led me where history of Italy and Europe has been written. “Goodbye my darling, goodbye” […]


On the peaks walking along a via ferrata.

Mountain photography offers amazing panoramas. Maybe one day I will give some tips about how to take photos at high altitude but first it is necessary to climb up there. Along my photographic work “Here They Fought! 1915-1918” I have been on many via ferrata, more or less vertical, and I had the chance to […]