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Into the wild, listening the silence of nature.

Into the wild. I truly love city life and its craziness but as well I want to remember the pleasure of quietness and the pervasive nature that we are part of. Nature is often set aside from our sight as we run into our daily life made of appointments, work, traffic jam and people. Although […]


From the Great War battlefields to a united Europe.

From the Great War battlefields to a united Europe This is the title of the conference I organized in collaboration with the Representation of the European Commission in Italy and which was held on Thursday 25 October 2018 at Palazzo delle Stelline in Milan. It was a conference to tell the experience of my photographic […]


Sunrise in Estonia

Sunrise in Estonia I cannot really describe how good you can feel being in the early-morning crisp air or in front of a forgotten lake that looks just like a mirror made of colours of the amazing Estonian nature. All around me a peaceful quietness made of pristine waters, a forest and the first ligths […]


September, Camogli and its red sunset.

“Sea, you challenge time since the world’s dawn”. This poetry written on a stone in the ancient port of Camogli summarises the spirit of this village ever since facing the sea. A village that holds sea stories that reached the most remote corners of our globe. It is during the autumn evenings that the sunset […]


Estonia, here we go!

Estonia, a place to be! It’s finally summer time and the holidays are quickly approaching. Have you ever thought about going to Estonia? Estonia has fascinated me since the first time I went there a few years ago. Although I admit that different times I had never travelled much further than Tallinn. This year I […]


The fortresses of Krakow.

Krakow is a beautiful, lively, bright city full of tourists. The historic centre is a fascinating and ancient place with thousands of years of history. The Jewish district is full of cosy cafés where you can relax and enjoy what the city has to offer. From Europe, everyone can easily reach Krakow by plane or, […]


The Carpathians Mountains and the Great War.

The Carpathian Mountains is a beautiful mountain range crossing Central and Eastern Europe from the Czech Republic to Romania via Poland and Ukraine. Similar to the Alps, it shares a past of heroism and the horrors of a humanity at war. The Carpathian Mountains sound distant to us both historically and geographically, and yet we […]

egyptian museum

Egypt in the Egyptian Museum of Turin.

For years, the Egyptian Museum of Turin was on my list of places I want to visit and I finally succeed. The Egyptian Museum is an all-Italian excellence. It is the second largest museum dedicated entirely to Egyptian culture after the Cairo Museum. It ranks as one of the best museums in the world for […]


The vineyard cottages of Novo Mesto.

There is a part of Slovenia that has to be discovered. The reason might be that it is slightly further away, and also, the trio of Ljubljana, the Postojna Caves and Bled attracts many tourists, keeping them away from the rest of the Country. This part of Slovenia, however, has nothing to envy from that […]


Koper, the first of Slovenia’s gems.

Koper is the first gem of Slovenia that you arrive to once you cross the border and leave Italy behind. Koper is a bilingual city, where both Slovenian and Italian is widely spoken in a linguistic and cultural mix that dates back to the era of the hegemony of Venice. Koper, with its historic oval […]