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museo del risorgimento si combatteva qui


BACK TO PALAZZO MORIGGIA | RISORGIMENTO MUSEUM FROM MARCH 3RD UNTIL APRIL 14TH WITH AN EXTENSION FROM APRIL 24TH TO JUNE 9TH “Here they fought!”, reportage which has now surpassed the threshold of forty photographic exhibitions, opens its 41st stop, where it all began in 2015: Palazzo Moriggia – Risorgimento Museum. A return to the […]

castel dragone

Opening at Dragone Castle

OPENING AT DRAGONE CASTLE The thirty-ninth exhibition of Here they fought! was inaugurated on Saturday 29 April at Dragone Castle in Camogli. This time on display, for the first time, the photographic shots of the last chapter realised: Italy 1943 – 1945. ITALY 1943-45 This chapter crosses Italy from South to North showing bloody battlefields […]

kiek in de kok - tallinn

Exhibition in Tallinn at Kiek in de Kök medieval tower

Opening of Here they fought in Tallinn Opening in Tallinn! After the Fotomuuseum in 2017 we get back to Estonia, this time in the splendid scenario of the medieval tower Kiek in de Kök in the ancient heart of the Baltic capital. On display there are a selection of shots from the reportage Here they […]

apertura forte garda
opening forte garda alessio franconi

Forte Garda, the opening

Forte Garda, the opening Here they fought! Is back on the Garda Lake at Forte Garda. Forte Garda: After the first exhibition that took place during 2021 about the Alpine front, ‘Here they fought’ comes again to Riva del Garda with an entire focus dedicated to the Carpathian Mountains. ‘Here they fought’ is available up […]

alpini sempre

Alpini Sempre Literary Prize

Alpini Sempre the Italian National Literary Prize It was with great honour that I received the literary prize Alpini Sempre. It’s a prize that gave me motivation after the great effort I spent in keeping alive the historical and field searches of my reportage “Here they fought!” reaching many remote areas along the Alps and […]


Opening at Aquileia and the Soldier known but to God

The Soldier known but to God from Aquileia to Rome Aquileia Aquileia is an Italian small town that hosts the ancient ruins of a former Roman Empire old port and a wonderful Roman Cathedral. The archaeological site is so important that is listed in the World Heritage under UNESCO flag. Ancient Romans where docking their […]

forte garda

Opening at Forte Garda

The opening at Forte Garda opens a season of hope after the darkest pandemic period Difficult times The culture industry has suffered the most with no help from the government. It was decided to sacrifice the art and culture compartment with no reason. October was the beginning of the new restrictions. With December it was […]